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The latest stories and updates about Opus, its business and the Vehicle Inspection and Intelligent Vehicle Support industries.

Featured story

27 February 2025

Türkiye: Opus consortium awarded a 20-year vehicle inspection concession for all vehicles

On Monday, February 24, 2025, the MOI Group consortium, anchored by Met-Gün and Opus Group, was awarded the 20-year concession to inspect all vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and more) in Türkiye.

More stories

NEWS | 17 August 2020
17 August 2020
U.S. vehicle inspection opens up after COVID-19

In the US, Opus vehicle inspection programs that were on hold during the COVID-19 crisis have been opening up.

NEWS | 09 June 2020
09 June 2020
Opus opens two more stations in Chile

Opus has recently opened its tenth and eleventh inspection stations in Chile – one in Viña del Mar and one in Arica

NEWS | 20 May 2020
20 May 2020
Opus gives back with drive-thru coronavirus testing sites in three U.S. states

Opus has been making its vehicle inspection stations available to public authorities as drive-thru coronavirus testing sites.

NEWS | 15 May 2020
15 May 2020
Chile: staying in operation, staying safe

In Chile, where Opus is operating vehicle inspections during the pandemic, we follow strict measures to ensure the safety of our customers and employees.

NEWS | 12 May 2020
12 May 2020
Keeping vehicle inspection going in Sweden

While many vehicle inspection stations are closed across much of Europe and the Americas, our stations in Sweden remain open. Opus has been working with industry partners to ensure vehicle inspection can be carried out safely across the country.

NEWS | 22 April 2020
22 April 2020
Opus partners with government agencies in offering drive-thru coronavirus testing

Opus inspection stations in Tennessee and Maryland are now serving as drive-thru COVID-19 test sites.

Press releases

21 October 2020 | 21:30 PM CEST
Correction of press release regarding notice of extraordinary general meeting in Opus Group AB (publ) on 12 November 2020

Opus Group AB (publ) announced through a press release on 15 October 2020 notice of an extraordinary general meeting on 12 November 2020, with last day to notify the company to attend the general meeting on 4 November 2020. Through this press release, the company wants to correct the last day for notification to attend the general meeting to 6 November 2020 and clarify that voting registration effectuated at the latest four banking days before the general meeting, i.e. on 6 November 2020 will be considered. The notice is reproduced in full below.

20 October 2020 | 15:00 PM CEST
Opus Group AB’s application for delisting approved

20 October 2020 | 10:31 AM CEST
Opus IVS introduces ScanSafe™

Collision scanning technology integrates with the CCC ONE® Platform

15 October 2020 | 07:30 AM CEST
Notice of extraordinary general meeting of Opus Group AB (publ)

The shareholders of Opus Group AB (publ), reg. no. 556390-6063 (”Opus” or the ”Company”), with registered office in Gothenburg, are hereby invited to the extraordinary general meeting on Thursday 12 November 2020 at 9:00 CET at Advokatfirman Vinge, Nordstadstorget 6, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Registration starts at 8:30 CET. 

08 October 2020 | 16:00 PM CEST
Opus Group AB (publ) applies for delisting

05 October 2020 | 17:30 PM CEST
Ograi BidCo AB controls more than 90% of the shares in Opus Group AB (publ) and requests delisting and initiates compulsory redemption of the remaining shares

18 September 2020 | 10:00 AM CEST
The properties transaction has been closed

01 September 2020 | 08:30 AM CEST
Opus has signed an agreement for a proposed sale and leaseback of properties

18 August 2020 | 07:30 AM CEST
Interim report Q2 2020

Report period April – June, 2020

16 July 2020 | 15:00 PM CEST
Bulletin from Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 16, 2020

On July 16, 2020, the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) was held at Opus Group AB (publ), Reg. No. 556390-6063.

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