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Latest from Opus

Feb 25, 2025

Türkiye: Opus consortium awarded a 20-year vehicle inspection concession for all vehicles.

On Monday, February 24, 2025, the MOI Group consortium, anchored by Met-Gün and Opus Group, was awarded the 20-year concession to inspect all vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and more) in Türkiye.  This concession – one of the largest of its kind – will commence in August 2027 covering more than 30 million registered vehicles (28.7 million as of the end of 2023) in the country.

“This is a significant win for Opus and MOI Group”, says Lothar Geilen, CEO of Opus Group.  “We are looking forward to developing a technology-first, world class inspection program in Türkiye that centers around customer service. We welcome the opportunity to engage in constructive and purposeful dialogue with both current and potential local vehicle inspection station operators in Türkiye to explore collaborative opportunities under our newly introduced vehicle inspection scheme. Our approach is built on transparency, partnership, and shared value, and we look forward to engaging in discussions on how we can collectively elevate industry standards and deliver outstanding service”, Geilen continued.




Opus Group is a technology-driven, global leader in the Vehicle Inspection and the Intelligent Vehicle Support markets.

Opus operates in five continents, in the United States, UK, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Philippines, and Australia.

MOI Group is a consortium consisting of Met-Gün Inşaat Taahuut Ve Ticaret A.Ş., Opus Group AB (publ), Inversia Gestiones sl, and VTV Norte S.A., an Opus Group company.





Other News & Press Releases


Opus Inspection, Inc. 

Feb 21, 2023, 10:43 ET

Opus Inspection, Inc. has completed acquisition of Applus Technologies, Inc.

EAST GRANBY, Conn.Feb. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/—Opus Inspection, Inc. has completed its acquisition of Applus Technologies, Inc. (ATI).  Opus has begun the integration process and will focus on maintaining business continuity with no impact to the daily operations. 

"ATI is a respected organization, and we look forward to combining our talented teams to provide industry-leading inspection services and innovative technology solutions. Our two organizations complement each other very well and the combined group will provide significant operational and technical expertise." said Andy McIntosh, CEO of Opus Inspection.

ATI has motor vehicle inspection operations in MassachusettsGeorgiaIllinoisIdahoSalt Lake City and Weber County Utah. In addition to providing services to the New York Taxi and Limousine Commission, ATI also provides digital government services to Texas Department of Public Safety, New York Department of Motor Vehicles and South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.

Opus and ATI management will be working together to enhance our digital government services offerings to further the Opus growth initiatives in this sector.

Contact: Jim Sands

Phone: (860) 392-2174

Fax: (860) 392-2105

SOURCE Opus Inspection, Inc.


January 26, 2023

Press Release

Opus Inspection, Inc. (“Opus”) has signed an agreement to purchase 100% of Applus Technologies, Inc. (“ATI”).

Contact: Jim Sands

Phone: (860) 392-2174

Fax: (860) 392-2105




9:00 a.m. EDT, January 26, 2022

Opus Inspection, Inc. (“Opus”) has signed an agreement to purchase 100% of Applus Technologies, Inc. (“ATI”). Upon completion of the acquisition, which is expected to close within the next 30 days, ATI will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Opus and will continue with a focus on customer service as before.  

The Opus and ATI organizations complement each other well and, once this transaction is fully closed, the combined group will provide market leading operational and technical expertise to its current and future customers.  

Mr. Andy McIntosh, CEO of Opus Inspection, Inc. stated, “A warm welcome to the employees of ATI. We are very much looking forward to having you join and become a part of the Opus family. Your experience, technical know-how and focus on customer service further strengthens our organization and will make us a better company overall.”



Featured story

27 February 2025

Türkiye: Opus consortium awarded a 20-year vehicle inspection concession for all vehicles

On Monday, February 24, 2025, the MOI Group consortium, anchored by Met-Gün and Opus Group, was awarded the 20-year concession to inspect all vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and more) in Türkiye.

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Keeping vehicle inspection going in Sweden

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Opus partners with government agencies in offering drive-thru coronavirus testing

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