Our World

Opus provides vehicle inspection and intelligent vehicle support services around the world. We also have offices on five continents.

Opus Group AB (publ)
Address: Basargatan 10
SE-411 10, Gothenburg
Email: info@opus.se
Phone: +46 31 748 34 00
Opus Inspection, Inc. & Envirotest, Corp.
Address: 7 Kripes Road
East Granby, CT 06026-9720
Email: sales@opusinspection.com
Phone: + 1 860 392 2100
Gordon-Darby, Inc.
Address: 2410 Ampere Drive
Louisville, KY 40299
Email: contact@gordon-darby.com
Phone: +1 502 266 5797
Punjab - Opus Inspection (Pvt) Ltd.
Address: 70, C-1 Gulberg III
Lahore, Pakistan 54660
Email: waseem.javaid@opusinspection.com
Phone: +1 92 42 35777198
Sindh - Opus Inspection VICS Sindh (Pvt) Ltd
Address: House No. G – 30 / VI, Sea Breeze Villas,
KDA Scheme 5, Clifton Block 8,
Karachi, Pakistan
Email: danish.tatari@opusinspection.com
Phone: +1 92 21 352 95757
Sweden - Opus Bilprovning
Address: Skattegårdsvägen 122
SE-162 50 Vällingby
Email: kundtjanst@opusbilprovning.se
Phone: +46 775-500 300
Remote Sensing, Europe - Opus RSE
Address: Calle Gaztambide, 45
28015, Madrid
Email: info@opusrse.com
Phone: +34 91 559 28 68
Argentina - VTV Norte S.A.
Address: Av. Corrientes 330 Piso 6 Of. 612
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Código postal 1043
Email: mserrano@vtvnorte.com.ar
Phone: +54 11 50195482
Chile - Systech Chile Limitada
Address: Calle Andrés de Fuenzalida 17, oficina 51
Región Metropolitana de Santiago.
Email: rigoberto.bahamonde@opusinspection.com
Phone: +56 99 826 56 14
Mexico - Opus Inspection SA de CV
Address: Dr Barragán 793
Col Narvarte
Ciudad de Mexico CP 0320
Email: Rosario.Bores@Opusinspection.com
Phone: +52 55 5579 1742 / +52 55 5698 6413
Drew Technologies
Address: 3915 Research Park Drive, Suite A10
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Email: sales@drewtech.com support@drewtech.com
Phone: +1 877 888 2534
Web: http://www.drewtech.com/
Autologic Diagnostics U.S.
Address: 47 Mall Drive, Suite 8
New York, 11725
Phone: +1 877 945 6442
Web: https://us.autologic.com/
Autologic Diagnostics Europe.
Address: Autologic House London Road
Wheatley, Oxfordshire
OX33 1JH, UK
Phone: +44 1865 870 050
Web: https://uk.autologic.com/
Autologic Diagnostics Australia
Address: Autologic Diagnostics Pty Ltd. Suite 4
2 Compark Circuit
Mulgrave, Victoria, 3170
Phone: +61 3 8561 7600
Web: https://au.autologic.com/
Address: North St., Hamilton (TCD bldg.)
1 North Street Hamilton HM11
Phone: 296-4232

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