Bulletin from Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 16, 2020

POSTED 16 July 2020

Bulletin from Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 16, 2020

On July 16, 2020, the Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) was held at Opus Group AB (publ), Reg. No. 556390-6063.

Below follows a summary of the resolutions taken.

  • To resolve, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, that the company’s board of directors shall consist of seven members with no deputies.
  • To resolve, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, to elect Erik Forsberg as new member of the board of directors. For the period until the end of the next annual general meeting, the board of directors consist of François Dekker (Chairman of the board of directors), Oliver Haarmann, Jonathan Laloum, Lothar Geilen, Katarina Bonde, Friedrich Hecker and Erik Forsberg.

At the EGM, 92.1 per cent of the shares and votes in Opus Group were represented. The minutes taken at the EGM will be published on the Opus Group website, www.opus.global/egm, within two weeks, where also other material from the EGM can be found. 

Gothenburg, July 16, 2020
Opus Group AB (publ) 
The Board of Directors

The information was sent for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, on July 16, 2020, at 15:00 CEST.


For additional information, please contact:
Lothar Geilen, CEO
Tel: +46 31 748 34 00
E-mail: lothar.geilen@opus.se

Linus Brandt, CFO & Executive Vice President
Phone: +46 722 44 09 05  
E-mail: linus.brandt@opus.se  

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