Opus directory


Opus Group AB (publ)

Basargatan 10
SE-411 10, Gothenburg

Tel: +46 31 748 34 00
Email: info@opus.se

Investor Relations

Linus Brandt, CFO & Executive Vice President

Tel: +46 722 44 09 05
Email: linus.brandt@opus.se

Vehicle Inspection


Opus Inspection, Inc.

7 Kripes Road
East Granby, CT 06026-9720

Tel: + 1 860 392 2100
Email: sales@opusinspection.com


Envirotest, Corp.

7 Kripes Road
East Granby, CT 06026-9720

Tel: + 1 860 392 2100
Email: sales@esph.com


Gordon-Darby, Inc.

2410 Ampere Drive
Louisville, KY 40299

Tel: +1 502 266 5797
Email: contact@gordon-darby.com


Customer Service & Sales for Opus and ESP Equipment:

Online store: www.store.esp-global.com
Tel: +1 800-695-4377
Email: sales@opusinspection.com


(VI) Business Development Contact for North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia

Bill Dell, Executive Director, Business Development

Tel: +1 520 906 1784
Email: bill.dell@opusinspection.com





Opus RSE - Remote Sensing, Europe 

Calle Gaztambide, 45
28015, Madrid

Tel: +34 91 559 28 68
Email: info@opusrse.com


Business Development Contact for Europe

Bill Dell, Executive Director, Business Development

Tel: +1 520 906 1784
Email: bill.dell@opusinspection.com

Latin America

Argentina – VTV Norte S.A.

Av. Corrientes 330 Piso 6 Of. 612
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Código postal 1043

Tel: +54 11 50195482​
Email: mserrano@vtvnorte.com.ar


Buenos Aires - VTV Norte and VTV Metropolitana

Cap. Bermúdez 4651
B1605DIK - Munro
Provincia de Buenos Aires

Tel: +54 11 4762-6161
Email: vtvnorte@vtvnorte.com.ar


Mexico - Opus Inspection SA de CV

Dr Barragán 793
Col Narvarte
Ciudad de Mexico CP 0320

Tel: +52 55 5579 1742 / +52 55 5698 6413
Email: Rosario.Bores@Opusinspection.com


Intelligent Vehicle Support